Safeguard your NFTs


Metada and asset are not on IPFS







Metadata and asset are lost on HTTP

Metadata and asset are not pinned on IPFS

Everything is stored on IPFS


89% of NFTs can go offline

NFT Freezer safeguards your NFTs

NFT Freezer

can protect them

Audit my NFTs

Pin your NFTs

Pinning your NFTs safeguards their metadata and asset from deletions by the IPFS network.

Audit NFTs

Grade any NFTs, get the technical specs and value behind each collection. Which NFTs are private? Which ones are already dead? Which ones are gems?

NFT Grading

We grade NFTs so you don't have to guess their quality.

Diving deep

Analytics, IPFS tools, IPFS Replication factor, Market data, On-chain data, Popularity score, Embed NFTs, Proof of ownership, Transaction history, Collection page.

Help us prioritize.

Giving transparency

To the NFT market

Watch demo

How does it work?

3 simple steps to understand and protect your digital assets


Connect your crypto wallet

Sign-in with your crypto wallet. You'll see the list of all your NFTs for 5 major blockchains. Easily search and filter through your NFT collection.


Audit your NFTs

Discover the grading score of your NFTs along with technical insights. Keep the gems, throw the junk. Assess the quality of your collection.


Protect your NFTs

In 1-click, you can pin your NFTs on IPFS, by yourself. We can also auto-pin your NFTs as you receive them in your wallet.

NFTs flavors

NFTs flavors

NFTs flavors

49.5% of NFTs' assets and metadata are hosted on the IPFS Network, around 40% are hosted on HTTP, some are on Arweave and only a few are directly on the blockchain.

Files stored on IPFS must be pinned on the IPFS network to be stored online forever as IPFS doesn't guaranty permanence.

In April 2022, already 12.8% of NFTs were worthless because their metadata or asset files were unreachable on Internet.

for free now and assess the damage 🥶

49.5% of NFTs' assets and metadata are hosted on the IPFS Network, around 40% are hosted on HTTP, some are on Arweave and only a few are directly on the blockchain.

Files stored on IPFS must be pinned on the IPFS network to be stored online forever as IPFS doesn't guaranty permanence.

In April 2022, already 12.8% of NFTs were worthless because their metadata or asset files were unreachable on Internet.

for free now and assess the damage 🥶

49.5% of NFTs' assets and metadata are hosted on the IPFS Network, around 40% are hosted on HTTP, some are on Arweave and only a few are directly on the blockchain.

Files stored on IPFS must be pinned on the IPFS network to be stored online forever as IPFS doesn't guaranty permanence.

In April 2022, already 12.8% of NFTs were worthless because their metadata or asset files were unreachable on Internet.

for free now and assess the damage 🥶

Audit my NFTs








At risk

Our Roadmap

BETA version

Q4 2024

Releasing the Beta version of NFT Freezer with IPFS self-pinning service, NFT collections lookup, insights and health scores.

Advanced analytics and Tools

Q2 2025

Developing more analytics tools for you. We'll be listening to users input.

Auto pinning

q3 2025

Allow you to auto-pin and unpin NFTs as they move in your wallet. Peace of mind.

More blockchain support


Adding more NFTs from other chains. We'll be listening to users input.

Better understand NFTs and IPFS Technology

If you don't find the answer to your question, feel free to send us a message.

What is NFT Freezer?

What is IPFS?

What is pinning on IPFS?

How does pinning work on IPFS?

How is pinning related to NFTs?

Why hosting NFTs on HTTP is bad?

Can I pin my private HTTP assets?

Aren't NFTs hosted on the blockchain?

What does "on-chain" mean?

What is "Arweave"?

Why should I pin my own NFTs?

What are NFT metadata?

What can happen if I don't pin my own NFTs?

Can I pay in crypto currency?

What is NFT Freezer?

What is IPFS?

What is pinning on IPFS?

How does pinning work on IPFS?

How is pinning related to NFTs?

Why hosting NFTs on HTTP is bad?

Can I pin my private HTTP assets?

Aren't NFTs hosted on the blockchain?

What does "on-chain" mean?

What is "Arweave"?

Why should I pin my own NFTs?

What are NFT metadata?

What can happen if I don't pin my own NFTs?

Can I pay in crypto currency?

What is NFT Freezer?

What is IPFS?

What is pinning on IPFS?

How does pinning work on IPFS?

How is pinning related to NFTs?

Why hosting NFTs on HTTP is bad?

Can I pin my private HTTP assets?

Aren't NFTs hosted on the blockchain?

What does "on-chain" mean?

What is "Arweave"?

Why should I pin my own NFTs?

What are NFT metadata?

What can happen if I don't pin my own NFTs?

Can I pay in crypto currency?

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© 2024 NFT Freezer. All rights reserved

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© 2024 NFT Freezer. All rights reserved